We have procured a number of Booklets as IEC materials on Maternal & Child Health, Day-land Agriculture, Disabilities, etc. Copies are available on request.

Sl.No. Year Name of the Publications
1. 2005 Sishu O Maa er Jotno (Booklet on Infant and Mother’s Care)
2. 2006 Dry Land Agriculture & Livestock Rearing
3. 2006 Booklet on Low cost Balanced Diet
4. 2008 Booklet on Cerebral Palsy: Some Information
5. 2011 Booklet on Nutrition Garden
6. 2011 Booklet on Compost & Vermi Compost
7. 2012 Infant & Young Child Feeding- I.Y.C.F.
8. 2012 Boyosondhikalin Sastha (Adolescent Health)
9. 2013 Handbook for Community based Rehabilitation(CBR) Workers
10. 2016 Handbook for Care Giver’s Training-Sahyogi